What Do You See? (Please Comment)

Please help me name this newest retablo, just finished today. (Think of a retablo as a box containing a story.) What story do you see?


(Click on this second smaller image to increase size of picture. You should then be able to Zoom in and use your scroll bar to see different parts of the image close up. Use + and – to zoom in and out.)

This entry was posted in Art, Intuition, Retablos, Self-portrait, Writing and tagged , , on by .

About lifelessons

My blog, which started out to be about overcoming grief, quickly grew into a blog about celebrating life. I post daily: poems, photographs, essays or stories. I've lived in countries all around the globe but have finally come to rest in Mexico, where I've lived since 2001. My books may be found on Amazon in Kindle and print format, my art in local Ajijic galleries. Hope to see you at my blog.

14 thoughts on “What Do You See? (Please Comment)

  1. Oonagh

    You can’t measure fun! I’m seeing elements of entertainment and culture mixed with tools for quantifying, but these things can’t mix, so are juxtaposed. I’d call it, ‘What happens in Vegas?’ with the question mark being key. Well done! It’s very interesting. I suspect one could look at it for hours and constantly think of new things. (WordPress could use it as one of their picture prompts.) 🙂


    1. grieflessons Post author

      I always love reading what you write–in your own writing and comments about mine. Your mind has followed one of the tracks mine followed, both in making the piece and then observing it afterwards and trying to figure out how much more it means than what was intended. Once again, many thanks for your close attention.


    2. grieflessons Post author

      Oonagh: I’m still trying to figure out the entire meaning myself, but I know it has something to do with current contrasting possibilities in my life. Do you go with what seems normal or what intuition tells you? (i.e. what you “want” to do.) How many problems have science and technology really solved, compared to the problems they have created? How much do we need to calculate the direction of our life and how much should be left to chance? Which is the best teacher–what we are taught or what we teach ourselves through the experience of writing and the other arts?
      Perhaps the title should be, “No Clear Answers!” Thanks, as usual, for your kind attention to what I post.


    1. grieflessons Post author

      Ha! The mistress of brevity. Even at that, there are a few different ways to interpret your comment. Thanks for reading my blog and being interested enough to comment!


    1. grieflessons Post author

      You definitely have seen part of the significance of the piece. Thanks for looking so closely. Often the close attention of observers is the only reward to an artist, in addition to the main reward of having the experience of creating the piece and thereby learning from it.


  2. Tamara Alaine Mitchell

    The large clay figure appears that it may be an ocarina with a human face? It’s so prominent, I can’t ignore it, but I’m not sure what it is. Anyway, it’s looking skyward as if it’s looking for an answer. Lots of manmade ways to measure things and calculate an answer, and the ancient gods in the back with their theories. I’d call it “Seeking an Answer”.


    1. grieflessons Post author

      Wow. You are really good. It is a very old ocarina–I believe of a nahuala (naguala). I actually like your title better than mine! I owe you a maragarita the next time you visit Ajijic! Others reading this, please do not give up the search. I would very much like to continue to hear what people see in the retablo and what they would name it. There is no one right answer.


      1. audrey

        I got this far and commented on your retablo I think on FB. Remi…I have tried to comment on your blog for your book but can’t get onto to it, so that is the reason you have not heard from me. I have sent them an email asking for instructions. I have read the blogs and they are very interesting. Later………Rei


    1. grieflessons Post author

      Linda, thanks for viewing my blog. I’m about to view yours and if it is as good as your work I’ve heard and read so far, I am due for a treat. I’m very honored that you chose my artwork to use as the subject of your Ekphrastic. More later! Judy



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